How can I support a child who is dying?

How can I support a child who is dying?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    Speak truth to them. As parents we do everything we can to protect our kids from hard things. In my experience as a pediatric nurse, I witnessed different scenarios. Some parents choose not to discuss their child’s illness or prognosis in front of the child. I noticed that kids have this really intuitive spirit where they know that something is going on and they can typically sense worry. 

    I have found that in the cases where we can be open with the children and include them in conversations, they are able to find this supernatural sense of closure about their life. In asking children what their fears and wishes are, I believe so much healing can take place not only for the child but the parents are able to have comfort in knowing they were able to meet those last needs of their child.