Tessa's Story

Tessa Watt has spent decades helping people develop their mental capacities for focus, clarity, presence, resilience, wellbeing, and creativity. She has taught meditation to members of the Houses of Parliament in London, and she's brought mindfulness into the workplace of companies such as Jaguar, Land Rover, HSBC, Bayer, Penguin Random House, and the University of Westminster. "One of the most exciting aspects of this work is adapting the training to the specific needs of each sector and situation. In every 21st-century workplace, it is essential to support leaders and staff to develop their mental capacities," Tessa says.

Watt began her professional career as a Ph.D. student in history and a researcher at the University of Cambridge, and this passion for deep inquiry and understanding led her down a path of complete immersion in the world of science and traditions of mindfulness meditation. In 2009, she founded Being Mindful, an organization that has taught the practice of mindfulness to more than 1,000 students. She is also the author of “Mindfulness: Your Step-by-Step Guide to a Happier Life” and “Mindful London: How to Find Calm and Contentment in the Chaos of the City.”