Earle's Story

Earle Birney had a carefree childhood marked by play and freedom in his tight-knit community in North Vancouver, Canada. He was immersed in sports, surrounded by close friends, and had a supportive network of coaches, adults and teachers. But this feeling of belonging as a child didn't translate to his life as an adult. As he neared graduation from university, he began to realize that a life of following societal norms — starting a career, buying a house, getting married, having kids — did not make sense to him. And thus, his quest to find happiness elsewhere began. 

In order to find a lifestyle that felt authentic to him, Birney followed many paths — some healthier and more productive than others. But his nonconformist curiosity finally paid off when he found yoga and meditation more than 25 years ago. He knew right away that he was onto something with these practices, and from then on, he committed to continue exploring this inward journey. Birney has a combined 15 years of training in mindfulness and yoga. He shares the wisdom and insight he has acquired along the way with a vast array of students, from youth groups to adult beginner meditators to people training to become meditation teachers. And, of course, his personal philosophical quest continues, as diligent as ever.