Vegetable Kingdom

Ten Speed Press, (2020)
Vegetable Kingdom

Bryant Terry is an original voice and visionary who’s a self-described collagist when it comes to recipe creation — “curating, cutting, pasting, and remixing staple ingredients, cooking techniques, and traditional Black dishes” from all over the world. The foods of the African diaspora shine in "Vegetable Kingdom," inspired by history, tradition, and the creative process of artists and musicians. The book is an homage to vegetables, organized according to which part of the plant is eaten, and celebrated for their pleasure-giving diversity and flavor. They show up in the kinds of everyday food his grandparents made and riffs on dishes from the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Peach filfel chuma (Libyan-Jewish chile sauce) goes with tempura-fried squash blossoms, fennel adds sweetness to a version of Trini chana and aloo, and lemon-thyme grilled spring onions show up on top of Ethiopian masir wot (spiced red lentils). 

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