Megan Devine

Psychotherapist Megan Devine believes that making the world a better place starts with acknowledging grief, rather than seeking to overcome it. She advocates for a revolution in how we discuss loss - personally, professionally, and as a wider community. Megan is least known for her best-known work: her animated “how to help a grieving friend” video distills a complex issue into simple, actionable steps in just over seven (adorable) minutes. Gaining over 35 million views in its first few months, the animation is now used in training programs all around the world. She is the author of the best-selling book, It’s OK that You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief & Loss in a Culture that Doesn’t Understand, translated into 15 languages. Megan’s work has been featured widely in the media, including the New York Times, NPR, Washington Post, GQ, Harvard Business Review, and Bitch Magazine. Her latest collaborative project, Speaking Grief, is out in 2020 from PBS.
Portland Oregon United States
Megan Devine