Maria Pinto
Writer, Mushroom Enthusiast
An amateur mycologist who loves studying fungi. Maria is an award-winning writer and educator.
United States
- Mushroom Specialist
- Writer
- Educator
- Forager

Featured Works
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Dia(spore)ic Cooking
Recipes connects us, but adapting local,
seasonal ingredients redefines traditions.

Callaloo with Duppy Trumpets
A heart-healthy, bone-strengthening dish of fiber-rich greens with black trumpet mushrooms

Moving at Mushroom Speed
Gathering morels in the woods
is a gentle way to slow down.
Brandeis University
B.A. in Creative Writing and Women’s and Gender Studies 2004 - 2007
Creative Writing Teacher
GrubStreet May 2017 - Present (8 years) -
Freelance Apr 2012 - Present (13 years)