Christine Lustik PhD
Mindfulness Teacher
After years working in higher education, mostly focused on distance learning, Christine Lustik needed a break. Swimming upstream in a traditional arena had taken its toll, and the stress had mounted. Leaving education was difficult, but then she had an idea: to continue to contribute to the field by supporting those faculty, administration and staff members who were doing their best for students every day. And the most effective way to do that, Christine knew, was through mindfulness. “I personally have seen many benefits to my practice, including increased focus and concentration, increased calm, much more moderate emotional swings, less focus on daily pains and discomforts, an increased ability to be happy and to see the good in all situations and people, and a desire to lead my life with kindness and compassion,” she says.
Christine founded Mindfulness in Organizations to teach individuals and groups about the science and skills behind resilience. She maintains a daily mindfulness meditation practice and goes on at least one silent retreat each year. An unabashed fan of her Montana community, Christine loves outdoor recreation, gardening, being in the kitchen, live music and sculling.
United States
- Mindfulness
- Workplace Wellness

I recently took a six-week mindfulness class from Christine. At the time, my father was in the final stages of his battle with lung cancer and passed away midway through the course. As a result of Christine’s instructions and the meditation practice we developed, I was able to be calmer and more present during this difficult time. Instead of wasting time worrying and focusing on what we all knew was coming, I was able to appreciate and better use each of the last days that I had with my dad. Although it didn’t lessen my grief, the mindfulness meditation I learned in Christine’s class helped me through it in the weeks after my dad’s passing. I would highly recommend Mindfulness in Organizations to anyone who is interested in learning more about mindfulness and how to incorporate it into their daily lives.

Missoula, Montana
Working with Christine helped give me the mental tools to be calm, thoughtful and flexible through stressful situations. We focused on managing the mental side of athletic competition, but the skills we practiced are just as useful in everyday life. One thing I appreciated was the way Christine provided so many types of resources — different kinds of meditation practices, helpful breathing techniques, interesting articles and more — so that I could experience a variety of approaches and experiment with what works for me. She also asked insightful questions and could help me put my vague ideas into more concrete, useful terms. All in all, it was great working with her, not only because she is knowledgeable about mindfulness, but also because she's a kind, thoughtful and fun person to be around. I would recommend Mindfulness in Organizations to anyone who wants to become more resilient to better handle whatever life throws at them, or simply anyone who wants to learn more about themselves.

Pro Mountain Bike Racer
Christine helped me by increasing my ability to follow the breath and block out the noise, and she introduced me to a wider range of how to use mindfulness, including a vast amount of resources. I found the experience very rewarding and I believe the benefits andor rewards will come over time in the future.

Missoula, Montana
Awake in the Wild
Awake in the Wild Teacher Training Sep 2017 - Present (7 years) -
Mindfulness Training Institute
Mindfulness Teacher Training Apr 2015 - Present (10 years) -
Outdoor Emergency Care
National Ski Patrol Apr 2009 - Present (16 years)
Capella University
PhD in Education 2004 - 2008 -
Capella University
MA in Education 2000 - 2003 -
University of Wisconsin–Madison
BS in Agriculture Sciences 1987 - 1992
Core Teaching Faculty
Claremont Lincoln University Apr 2019 - Present (6 years) -
Mindfulness in Organizations Sep 2014 - Present (10 years) -
Steering Committee Member
WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) Nov 2011 - Jul 2014 (3 years) -
Readiness and Retention Specialist — Client Support & Project Management
Pearson Learning Solutions Jul 2010 - May 2014 (4 years) -
Adjunct Education Faculty
Kaplan University Jul 2010 - Feb 2012 (2 years) -
Director of Distance Education – Online & Outreach Program Development, Leadership
Western Wyoming Community College Jul 2004 - Jun 2010 (6 years)