With an unexpected death at home, can I keep the loved one's body at home to bathe it before it is taken anywhere?

With an unexpected death at home, can I keep the loved one's body at home to bathe it before it is taken anywhere?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    It depends on whether the death was expected and if not, whether there's suspicion of foul play, it depends on what kind of death it is, and on what kind of cops show up. If it's a 90 year old woman who died in her sleep, it's pretty easy for a cop to wrap their head around that and let you call your primary care physician to sign off on the death instead of going to the coroner. 

    If the death is unexpected, it's likely that the family is going to be a little panicked and call 911 right away. So then the body will have to go to the coroner. But you can arrange to have the mortuary delivered back to your home. That's kind of nice because they've kept the body cool that whole time. 

    Expect to see marks from an autopsy. 

    So, yes, it's a little different, but it's doable.