Will I be in pain when I die?

Will I be in pain when I die?
2 Responses
  • Anonymous User
    July 12th, 2020

    It depends on how you die. There are plenty of people who die in their sleep. If you're shot or have a heart attack, those would be painful ways to die. Or, you may not even realize you're dying because you're neurologically sedated. However, if you have a terminal condition or an accident where death is imminent and you're getting medical care, there are many interventions that can be done that can make you comfortable so that you do not necessarily have to be in pain when you die.

  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    It depends on how you're dying, but, all of the deaths I've experienced, it really is like they're going to sleep. Your body often becomes so relaxed. A week or two before, there's something called terminal agitation. It's really hard to witness when people are moving a lot and feeling their bodies in discomfort still. But the actual dying that I've seen has been so much like falling asleep. 

    A lot of people are on high doses of morphine. They're not feeling pain and the morphine is helping them fall asleep. There have also been deaths where people have chosen to have no medical intervention and it looks the same during the actual dying- falling asleep, coming in and out of consciousness, becoming very relaxed. I wish so much that we could all see what real death looks like.