What is embalming?

What is embalming?
2 Responses
  • Anonymous User
    July 12th, 2020

    Simply put, embalming is the process of temporarily preserving a corpse by draining the blood and fluids from the body and replacing them with a chemical solution. Embalming came into demand to get the boys back home from the Civil War, giving families a chance to say goodbye. Getting embalmed is not something I would want for my own dead body. I'm too attached to the joy of my inevitable decomposition, but everyone should make their own choices for their own corpse.

  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    Embalming is the chemical preservation of a deceased person that delays decomposition for a few days. It gives a deceased person a more life-like appearance and enables the embalmer, or restorative artist, to make the body more presentable for a public viewing. It's useful for travel, for example, if a body needs to be shipped to a different country.