What happens if I have insurance through my employer and I get a terminal diagnosis and am unable to continue working?

What happens if I have insurance through my employer and I get a terminal diagnosis and am unable to continue working?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 21st, 2020

    Because your insurance is tied to your employment, you may lose the health insurance that you have if you’re too sick to keep your job. Because of this, there are other types of insurance that can support you and your loved ones through this time, including COBRA, your state’s health insurance exchange, or Medicaid.

    If you are concerned this might happen, request assistance from a social worker or financial counselor where you are seeking medical care or request a case manager to help you by calling in to your health insurance company. These resources are there to help you better navigate your benefits, even if it means helping coordinate your care even when you have to switch or lose coverage.