What care does a dying person need in addition to hospice?

What care does a dying person need in addition to hospice?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    The thing I love so much about hospice is that it is truly holistic. You have the medical, the social, the spiritual, but there are also many hidden costs, both financially and emotionally. I think probably one of the biggest is caregiving. A lot of times, people's families will try to do most of the caregiving, but that takes a huge toll. And the financial piece, a lot of families will stop working to be there with their loved one if they need to be the primary caregiver. 

    Another thing we don't think about is housing. When someone's no longer able to receive the level of care they need at home, they may need to go into an assisted living facility, but that's not covered by health insurance. And there are costs associated with that.