What are the various beliefs about the afterlife?

What are the various beliefs about the afterlife?
3 Responses
  • Anonymous User
    July 12th, 2020

    Heaven, hell, reincarnation, absolute death, and my favorite- we are all computer simulations anyway.

  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    Various beliefs about the afterlife are whatever you want them to be, because no one knows what happens when we die. So it's up to you to decide. The thing that I encourage more than anything with clients is curiosity. Going through big loss, going through grief, is an existential opportunity. It's a way to open up and explore what you believe in. Whether it's nothing, whether it's everything, whether you want to dive into different spiritual or religious beliefs that you're curious about — it's a really amazing opportunity to explore your inner self.

  • Anonymous User
    August 19th, 2020

    Some believe in heaven, others believe that there is nothing at all. My favorite belief and the one that rings true to me is that death is like birth. A transition into an unfathomable unknown. Just like a soon-to-be-born baby couldn’t possibly know what’s in store for it after nine months of development, something wonderful yet incomprehensible to its brilliant but tiny mind occurs after birth. Maybe, just maybe what’s in store for us after this lovely life of discovery is a birth into another dimension of delight that cannot be comprehended by our brains but will be ever-so-soothing to our souls.

    Another belief I love comes from the famous quote by Helen Keller: “Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.” This thought of not only a beautiful afterlife but the ease in which we might transition brings me comfort. And who knows?...maybe that next room is right back here with our soul reincarnated for another round on this big blue marble.