What are some things caregivers can do to take care of themselves when they don't have much support?

What are some things caregivers can do to take care of themselves when they don't have much support?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    This is a challenging one. The best and most important thing, if possible, is to plan as early as possible. To know what's coming as soon as you find out and make a plan. But I know that's not always possible.

    I've seen folks who have literally said to people, "don't let me get away with telling you no to bringing lunch". You have to receive the support if it is there. Find people who will come hang out with your loved one for just an hour or two while you go outside or watch a movie or see a friend. You have to be willing to let people know how to help you.

    Sometimes when you try to bring someone in to help, the loved one will meet that with a lot of protest and you may think it's just not worth it. But it is. If there's family, they need to back you up in this, too.