How do I cope with the loss of both of my parents?

How do I cope with the loss of both of my parents?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    Losing both parents is a really tough one, whether it happens to you early in life or later in life. There's this kind of feeling of losing your whole family, of being orphaned even when you're an adult. Recognizing that feeling, finding ways to honor your parents, finding ways to talk about this loss, and finding a lot of support in your life while you go through that kind of loss is really important. 

    It’s important to recognize that it is a loss that's going to stay with you forever. You will always kind of have to be incorporating the absence of your parents into your life. It can have an impact on your romantic relationships, it can have an impact on your parenting, your relationships with your children, and it can have an impact on your relationship with siblings and extended family. The key is to really recognize these things and to work to support yourself as you go through all the changes that come with losing both parents.