Does ayahuasca make you less afraid of death?

Does ayahuasca make you less afraid of death?
2 Responses
  • Anonymous User
    July 15th, 2020

    I think we're all looking for an answer and, and sometimes want to take shortcuts to that and ayahuasca is not a shortcut. You still got to do the work. I found it to be a useful tool but not a magic pill.

  • Anonymous User
    August 19th, 2020

    Ayahuasca takes whatever it is that you are most actively avoiding and forces you to face it. For many people it is therefore a very challenging and upsetting experience. However, if you're able to 'surrender' to it, ayahuasca will help you purge the fear (physically and emotionally). As such, ayahuasca doesn't remove your fear, so much as it prompts you to face it and investigate it, which can in turn lead to acceptance.