Mahua Walnut Muffins

Recipe PREP 10 min COOK 30 min
Mahua Walnut Muffins

Mahua Walnut Muffins

PREP 10 min COOK 30 min


This hearty cake blends whole wheat, warm spices, and sweet mahua flowers for earthy, mineral-rich sugariness. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, and carotenoids, mahua supports eye health, immunity, and overall well-being. Their complex sugar profile allows for slower digestion and absorption, reducing blood sugar spikes.


Fresh mahua has a short shelf life, but dried mahua is easy to find throughout the year.

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Equipment: Muffin pan and paper liners or a 9-inch cake pan

Note: Dried mahua flowers are available online. To prep dried mahua, soak the flowers in cold water for 30 minutes to 1 hour; you want the dirt to settle at the bottom. Scoop out the flowers and rinse well under running water to get rid of any dirt. Squeeze to drain excess water and use as desired.


4 to 6 SERVES
  • 1 cup (220 g) whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder
  • A pinch of nutmeg powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup (65 g) powdered jaggery or unrefined sugar
  • 3/4 cup (170 g) butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup loosely packed (100 to 120 g) dried mahua flowers, cleaned and roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup (58 g) chopped walnuts or any nuts of your choice


  1. Step 1
    Heat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Prepare a muffin pan with cupcake liners. If using a cake pan, grease with butter and line with parchment paper.
  2. Step 2
    In a large bowl, mix the flour, ginger powder, nutmeg, and baking powder.
  3. Step 3
    In another bowl, with a hand-held electric mixer, mix the powdered jaggery and butter until creamy. Add the eggs one at a time and mix well. Add the vanilla extract and mix until fully incorporated.
  4. Step 4
    Fold the dry ingredients into the bowl with the wet ingredients using a spatula and mix well. Gently stir in the mahua and walnuts.
  5. Step 5
    Pour the mixture into the muffin liners (or into a cake pan) and bake on the middle rack for about 30 minutes or until a knife inserted into a muffin (or cake) comes out clean.
  6. Step 6
    Serve warm or at room temperature with a dollop of fresh whipped cream.

Substitutions: You can swap the eggs for 1/2 cup of mashed ripe bananas.

Try It With: A dollop of lemon curd for contrasting flavors. 

About the author

Sangeeta Khanna

Sangeeta Khanna

Sangeeta Khanna is a microbiologist by training, who found her passion in nutrition and cooking, and followed her heart to the kitchen. A renowned author, freelance writer, and food consultant, she promotes regional Indian recipes through her work.
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